Thunderbolt 2 expansion card with an actual sales price of 7,000 yen! GIGABYTE "GC-Thunderbolt 2" released!
GIGABYTE has released the "GC-Thunderbolt 2", a Thunderbolt 2 expansion card exclusively for its motherboards.
The "GC-Thunderbolt 2" is an expansion card equipped with two Thunderbolt 2 ports with a maximum transfer rate of 20 Gbps. Although it is a dedicated product that requires connecting the Thunderbolt pin headers on the motherboard side and the card side to each other, the key point is that Thunderbolt 2 can be added for 7,240 yen including tax if the motherboard is an X99 motherboard manufactured by the company.
Compatible motherboards are GA-X99-Gaming G1 WIFI, GA-X99-SOC FORCE, GA-X99-Gaming 7 WIFI, GA-X99-Gaming 5, GA-X99-UD7 WIFI, GA-X99-UD5 WIFI, GA-X99-UD4, and GA-X99-UD3".
The PC connection interface is PCI Express 2.0 x4. Main accessories are two DisplayPort cables, one Mini DisplayPort cable, and one THB-C Header cable.
Pricing is as follows
GC-Thunderbolt 2
6,700 yen (excluding tax): Tsukumo eX.
6,700 yen (excluding tax): dospara parts kan
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