Weekly Akiba Meshi (+Nogami Sake) Week 2 & 3, December 2014 : Gourmet/Eating Place Information in Akihabara (+Sake Bar Information in Ueno)

Akiba Research Institute Weekly Akiba Meshi" is a weekly magazine in which Akiba Research Institute staff members introduce what they eat in Akihabara and its surroundings.

Unlike other magazines (we do not receive advertising fees or submit manuscripts), we also write about the negative aspects of the food... (><)
*For detailed location, business hours, budget, etc., please refer to the link (click on the restaurant name).
The disposable chopsticks in the corner of the tableware are just to give you an idea of the size/quantity of the food and dishes. Please do not say, "This is bad manners! Please don't say, "It's expensive and delicious," "It's delicious and expensive," "It's delicious and expensive," or "It's delicious and expensive.
We basically avoid "deca-masu" menus that cost more than 1,000 yen, because they are not necessarily cost-effective. I am sorry.
I have always had a standard body shape with a BMI index of around 22. I don't have any internal organ related diseases, but I am seriously afraid of gout! (((((((;´decided)))))))

The end of work. Hello, this is Akiba Research Institute.

This is a merged issue because we have been busy with the year-end specials.

Also, there are no stories about drinking establishments because of the rush of year-end parties.

I hope to finish writing this issue, and then the year-end special will be over for now,

However, we still have Comiket coverage and breaking news to write about, so we can't let up just yet! w

Well, we would like to thank all of our readers for their support this year as well.

Akiba Research Institute is still undergoing a series of renewals.

Since we are a medium that exists only because of our readers, I believe that we will continue to change our appearance to meet the needs of the moment.

Personally, this was the year I turned 30, a milestone for me, and I had an abundance of life events such as getting married and buying a house.

I wonder what shape next year will take.

Anyway, I will continue to aim to make this site as useful as ever, and I look forward to your continued support!