A water-cooled PC with a motif of a golden orca (shachihoko) created by TEAM SHACHI-HOKO, an overclocking team based in the Tokai region, is now on display at OrioSpec.
This original model combines a water-cooled PC with the team's symbolic "Shachihoko," a fish-shaped sea animal with a head resembling a tiger, a fish-shaped body with sharp scales, and a warped appearance.
The PC parts are a motherboard between the head and body, and a tank in the mouth. Tubes are piped around the orca, giving it a powerful appearance. The orca is said to have been sculpted by "studio IDEA," a group of professionals in Aichi Prefecture that also creates special sculptures.
Incidentally, the exhibit will be on display for a while, so those who missed it at "Ai Fest 2014" held in Aichi Prefecture last September will have a chance to see the real thing in front of their eyes.