2015 Winter Anime "Psychosomatic Medicine in Anime" to Deliver Special Program on January 27! Three Kanketsu sisters (Yurika Endo, Yoko Hikasa, and Marei Uchida) introduce their works.
A special program distribution has been announced for the web anime "Anime de Tsukuru Shinryokanai" which will start in February 2015.
Anime de Tsukuru Shinryokenai" is an anime version of the popular manga "Manga de Tsukuru Shinryokenai" (serialized in Young King), which has sold over 3 million copies in total. The story centers on Ryo, a clinical psychologist who explains depression, ED, dementia, and sexual problems in an easy-to-understand manner, and Asuna, a nurse who is prone to misunderstandings in outlandish directions. Directed by Hirofumi Ogura, character design by Miki Ishino, and produced by For All.
A special program, "Nico Live: Understanding Psychosomatic Medicine" (http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv207463344), will be broadcast from 10:00 p.m. on January 27 in preparation for the start of full-length distribution on February 13. Yurika Endo, who plays Asuna Kaketsu, Yoko Hikasa, who plays Iyashi, Asuna's sister and the eldest of the three sisters, and Mare Uchida, who plays Himel, the second of the three sisters, will appear and introduce the work and its characters. There will also be first-time footage and music information.
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