Funassyi finally adapted to TV animation! 「ふなっしーのふなふなふな日和」として3月30日より「スッキリ!!」 on "Sukkiri!


This is a TV anime adaptation of "Funassyi," a well-known unofficial character of Funabashi City, Chiba Prefecture. The story follows the struggles of Funafunafunashi to bring smiles to the faces of everyone in the human world, with the addition of new original anime characters.

The staff includes director Yamauchi Toshio, screenwriters Shimizu Azuma and Tomonaga Korie, character designer Shimizu Hiroshi, sound director Koizumi Kisuke, music by Wakabayashi Takatsugu, and production by Asahi Productions. The cast includes Funassyi as Funassyi himself, Lynn as Gureshi, and Naoki Tatsuta as Nashigami-sama, and will be broadcast on NTV's "Sukkiri! NTV's "Sukkiri!" (except in some areas) from March 30 as a short animation series on Mondays through Fridays.


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