Akiba Spill] Prosecco Chan Jam Sauce is now on sale.

Akiba Koho" is an irregular column introducing PC parts and digital gadgets that the Akiba Research Institute staff found interesting during interviews.

Pro Sei Jam Sauce" by Pro Sei Chan is now on sale at OrioSpec.

There are five types available: strawberry, fig, peach, hassaku, and blueberry. All of them are made with a low sugar content (35% sugar) raw jam sauce with a lot of pulp, and look delicious on yogurt or ice cream.

In addition to in-store sales, they are also sold through the store's mail-order site and theofficial Pro Sei-chan website! If you are interested in trying them, why not check them out?

Prices are 600 yen (excluding tax) for strawberry, fig, peach, and hassaku, and 990 yen (excluding tax) for blueberry.