Mobile Suit V Gundam" to be broadcast every Friday as a special program! Daisuke Sakaguchi (Uso) and Kumiko Watanabe (Katejina) introduce their work in 5 minutes every week!
The TV anime "Mobile Suit V Gundam" announced the decision to distribute a special program.
Mobile Suit V Gundam," the last "Space Century Gundam" TV series by Yoshiyuki Tomino, the creator of Gundam, was broadcast from April 1993 to March 1994. The series is known to have an extremely divided reputation among Gundam fans, partly because of its depiction of nationalism and cruelty against a religious background.
The first volume of the BD-BOX containing episodes 1 to 26 will be released on July 24, and a special program will be distributed. The program, titled "Weekly 5 Minute Guide to Mobile Suit V Gundam," will be broadcast every Friday from 5:00 p.m., starting June 5 (8 episodes in total). In the limited time of five minutes each week, Daisuke Sakaguchi, who plays Uso, and Kumiko Watanabe, who plays Katejina, will introduce each theme of the work.
The BD-BOX will also include this special program as a video bonus. In addition, there will also be an undistributed "Extended Round" (2 episodes in total).
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