Titans Attack Kyushu and Other Areas! Shocking graphics of "WALL OITA: Exhibition of the Giants of the Marching Titans" are now on view!

The "Shinkage no Kyojin Exhibition WALL OITA" will be held at the Oita Prefectural Museum of Art in Oita City, Oita Prefecture from August 1 (Sat.) to 30 (Sun.), 2015. Some of the shocking graphics to be exhibited there have been revealed.

The "Exhibition of the Battlestar Giants" was held from November 2014 to January 2015 at the Ueno Royal Museum in Tokyo, attracting attention with its powerful opening theater, original art exhibition, and breathtaking super-sized Titan exhibit. By the end of the event, it had attracted a total of more than 250,000 visitors. The "WALL OITA" project is a reproduction of the "Exhibition of the Giants" in Oita, Kyushu.

The graphics released this time show Titans attacking famous landmarks in various prefectures in Kyushu. The graphic is set in seven areas: Oita (Beppu), the hometown of author Hajime Isayama; Kumamoto (Kumamoto Castle); Miyazaki (Sun Messe Nichinan); Nagasaki (Megane Bridge); Saga (Yoshinogari); Kagoshima (Sakurajima); and Fukuoka (Fukuoka Tower). The giants suddenly appear at representative spots in Kyushu, accentuating their eerie appearance.

If you are in the Kyushu area, please look forward to this exhibition.

<The Battlestar Giants Exhibition WALL OITA> (Japanese only)
Date and time: August 1 (Sat) - August 30 (Sun), 2015, 10:00 - 19:00 (Friday and Saturday only - 20:00)
   Admission until 60 minutes before closing *Open all year round
Venue: Oita Prefectural Art Museum OPAM (2-1 Kotobuki-cho, Oita City) 1F Exhibition Room A
Organizers: "The Advancing Giants Exhibition" Oita Executive Committee (Oita Prefectural Museum of Art, TOS TV Oita)
URL: http://www.tostv.jp/kyojinten/

(C) Hajime Isayama, Kodansha Ltd. / "Shigeki no Kyojin Exhibition" Production Committee