Hobby Industry Inside Vol. 3: Diversity of the Figure Scene Shown by Oranje Rouge, a Brand Specializing in Male Characters
It was this past June 2015 that Good Smile Company and Max Factory launched the joint brand "Oranje Rouge. Although it is a "brand specializing in male characters," the public still has a strong impression that "figure = bishojo figure.
What is the reason why two leading companies in the figure industry have launched a "brand specializing in male characters"? We asked three people, Akane Hyouhei (Max Factory), Shutaro Hirase (Good Smile Company), and Aunoshi (Good Smile Company), about their intentions.
We want the brand name to be a "window" for light users.
───Please tell us about the background of the establishment of "Orange Rouge".
Akane: First of all, before we launched "Orange Rouge," we released Nendoroid and scale figures of "Sword Dance: ONLINE-". At that time, we had many female customers who were buying figures for the first time or who were interested in the hobby for the first time. For these new users, we thought it would be easier for them to find the products they like if they were concentrated under one brand (......).
Another reason is that Good Smile Company and Max Factory are two different companies, but they plan and produce their products on the same floor. Therefore, we launched "Oranje Rouge" with the intention of creating a common brand, joining forces, and working together to make things happen.
Hirase: As you can see from our website (Good Smile Company), the products we handle as a sales company are not only those of our company and Max Factory, but also those of other manufacturers. Therefore, it is difficult for users who visit our website for the first time to find the products they want. However, if you look at the HP of "Oranje Rouge", you can find the products you want right away.
───Is this more about convenience for figure beginners?
Akane: Female users who buy figurines for the first time like the works they like. When they see that a character from a work they like is going to be made into a figure, they think "I want to buy it," but it is difficult to reach the page for the product they are looking for among the many items lined up in the store. Therefore, I think it is necessary to make that access easier for customers who are just starting to get into the hobby and figurines.
─ So you are saying that the number of female figure users is increasing?
Akane: Until now, figures with strong male-oriented elements, such as bishojo figures, were the main type of figures, but the number of male character figures is steadily increasing in the industry as a whole.
Hirase: In fact, the response to products such as "Sword Dance" and "HIQ! and other products, and we have learned that figures are beginning to be recognized by people who had not bought them before.
On the other hand, although Good Smile Company and Max Factory are well known among figure fans, light users may not be aware of what they do. We wanted the name "Orange Rouge" to be a "window" into the figure hobby for these new users. That's what we wanted.
───Then, the ideal situation would be that people would feel comfortable buying a figurine as long as it has the name "Orange Rouge" on it, wouldn't it?
Hirase: Yes, I would be happy if that were the case. We have only a small number of products, so we still have to work hard in the future.
Female figure fans are not "individuals" but "groups
Akane When I look at events such as the Wonder Festival (an exhibition and sale of handmade figures), I see that women are also picking up figures and making them themselves, and I feel that the number of female users is increasing overall. The number of women is steadily increasing, regardless of whether they are male-oriented or female-oriented, so it is important to create an environment that allows them to jump into the figure industry with confidence.
───How many years ago did the number of female figure fans begin to increase?
Hirase: I think there have been female figure prototype artists for quite some time.
Aunoshi: First, figures of male characters popular among women began to appear, and then female users became aware that they might not be able to obtain figures unless they made reservations.
───The "Kashu Kiyomitsu" ("Sword Dance") from "Orange Rouge" was prototyped by a woman, wasn't it?
Hirase Yes, Ms. Sakurako Ishinaga (Botanical Garden for Girls). Ishinaga-san is already a veteran.
Aunoshi: I often see female prototype makers making "Sword Dance" characters as a hobby on Twitter. There have been women who make their own figures for a long time. Recently, the popularity of figures has been spreading on SNS, and I feel that the figure culture is becoming more familiar among female users.
─ ─ Is there any particular trend that is unique to female users?
Aunoshi: My impression is that users are not "individuals" but "groups. They are not enjoying themselves alone, but are exchanging information with other fans and spreading the word. The spread is more vigorous among women.
Akane: I often see women not only displaying the figures, but also taking pictures of the props around the figures they bought, and sharing the pictures on the Internet.
Aunoshi: It seems like you enjoy figurines in the same way you used to enjoy playing with "Sylvanian Families.
Akane I feel like there is a community of people who like the same things, and that sharing with others makes it even more exciting.
The spread of fans, both male and female, both in Japan and abroad
───It seems that the development of "Orange Rouge" is about to get into full swing.
Hirase: Although this item was released before the establishment of Oranger Rouge, the Nendoroid Mikazuki Munechika (sword dance) was released in August and has been very well received. Some people are so happy that they have already bought it and received it at home that they are taking pictures of the product box and uploading them to Twitter (laughs). (Laughs). They are actively sharing their purchases using hashtags.
───A lineup that surprised me a little was the "Nendoroido de Fundoshi. So you are also releasing a figure of just this loincloth as "Oranje Rouge"?
Hirase: This item can be combined with the Nendoroid you already have and played with in a Fundoshi. It was originally an April Fool's joke, but since then we have received many requests to commercialize it.
Aunoshi: We received requests from overseas as well, asking us to commercialize the product. That's why the realization of the Nendoroid Loincloth is being welcomed both in Japan and overseas.
─ Is that the voice of female fans overseas?
Akane: No, we have received comments from both male and female figure fans overseas.
Hirase: For example, the characters in "Sword Dance" are dressed in kimono. From the perspective of overseas fans, just the fact that the figures are dressed in kimono seems to be enough of an attraction.
Aunoshi: So, I feel that overseas fans have high expectations for "Oranje Rouge," hoping that we will produce the kind of figure they are looking for.
Akane: We have also heard from male users that they would be happy if Oranje Rouge released figures of characters that are not usually included in the regular figure lineup.
Hirase: I would like to think that the creation of the new Oranger Rouge brand has turned the attention of users who have not been aware of the appeal of male figures until now.
(Interview and text by Keisuke Hirota)
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