The cast has been announced for the musical "Hetalia," which will be performed at Zepp Blue Theatre Roppongi from December 24 to 29, 2015.
Hetalia" is a popular comic book (written by Hidekazu Himaruya) that has sold over 4 million copies in total and is a comedy that anthropomorphizes various nations. It features numerous loose characters (countries) and episodes littered with cynical jokes, and was made into an anime in 2009, which has been a huge hit over the years. Currently, a new series, "Hetalia The World Twinkle," the fifth season, is being distributed every Friday at noon on dAnime Store.
The cast of the musical "Hetalia: Singin' in the World" has now been unveiled. The clumsy but cheerful and lovable protagonist Italy is played by Nagae Goshi, the strong-willed but rule-bound German is played by Omi Yoichiro from the D-BOYS, and the serious Japanese, who is good at reading the air, is played by Ueda Keisuke. The American character is Ryutora Isogai, who loves number one, freedom and fast food; the British character is Daisuke Hirose, who is cynical, competitive and good at magic; the French character is Juri, who is a pretentious lover of beautiful things; the Russian character is Yuki Yamaoki, who is scary with his rustic simplicity and child-like innocence; and the Chinese character is Yusuke Yamaoki, who is quite old, but looks young. The Chinese character is played by Taishi Sugie, who looks young despite his age, and the Austrian character is played by Takuya Kikuchi, who is meticulous but has an optimistic and calm side. Both are popular young actors and are sure to attract a lot of attention.
Tickets will be on sale from October 8, 10:00 to October 12, 23:59 for animate TV and cast FC pre-sale. General sales will begin at 10:00 on November 8.
(C) Hidekazu Himaruya, Gentosha Comics / Hetalia Production Committee
(C) "Hetalia" Musical Production Committee