Pony Canyon begins serialization of "Ani P Story," an animation production site manga! The episodes depicted are almost entirely true stories."

Pony Canyon has released "Ani P Story," a web manga depicting the anime production process.

This is a manga work that began to be serialized on Pony Canyon's free web manga distribution site "Ponimaga" (http://www.ponimaga.jp/). It depicts the anime production scene in an easy-to-understand manner from the viewpoint of an anime producer. It is written by Kagehisa Sunayama and drawn by Kanta. All pages are in color. "This story is a work of fiction and is in no way related to any actual person or organization. However, the episodes depicted in the book are mostly true stories. The second episode has now been released. Currently, the second episode is available.

The site also features a new work, "Radio Lady," which depicts the slapstick antics of a college student who decides to become a radio writer and a new high school girl voice actress, as well as a manga version of "Lance and Masks," whose anime broadcast has just begun. In addition, "Aim for Anime Adaptation! Start accepting submissions! and a smartphone application have been added.

Fujiyama is a young man who has come to Tokyo to become an animation producer. Soon after joining the company, he meets Hanazono, one of the industry's most famous Ps!
From that day on, Fujiyama's days of suffering at the mercy of Hanazono's eccentricity begin...!
Fiction but not fiction! A story of an animation production site!

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