Winter Anime "Magical Girls No More." The staff announcement! A mysterious creature says, "You have the qualities of a magical girl...
The TV anime "Magical Girls No More." will start airing in the spring of 2016. The staff was also announced.
Magical Girl is Enough! is an anime work based on a manga serialized in the comic Earth Star by Souami Sensei of "Sekai Maou" fame. The story is about a girl who is told by a mysterious creature that "you have the qualities of a magical girl" while scavenging garbage in a garbage dump, and how she spends her time as a magical girl.
The staff of the anime version includes Kazuhiro Yoneda, director of "Yona of the Dawn", series composition by "Is Your Order a Rabbit? Kazuyuki Fudeyasu of "YAMANOSUSUME Second Season," and Kazuaki Shimada of "YAMANOSUSUME" and "THE IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS" as character designer and chief animation director. PINE JAM will be in charge of animation production.
Comment from Soumisen (original author)
It has been several years since the "ice age" of employment, and the declining birthrate has not slowed down,
The government is also at a loss. Young people are walking around looking down, not talking about their dreams and hopes. Then a ray of light came from the heavens.
It's an animated film.
What are you talking about?
It's not a very big story, is it?
I mean, are you crazy?
I know you have a lot to say, but first of all, I would like to congratulate you. Yay!
Let's hope to see Yuzuka moving, transforming, hitting her mittens, and embarrassing herself!
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