Monster Hunter Cross, Criminal Girls 2, and other notable games on sale this week!
Here is a roundup of the hottest home video game software releases this week!
The first one is "Monster Hunter Cross," a hunting action game for the 3DS that will be released this weekend, November 28 (Saturday).
Monster Hunter Cross" is the latest title in the popular hunting action game "Monster Hunter" series. Players become hunters and hunt monsters by accepting requests and quests from people at their hunting base. Using materials such as the bones and shells of the monsters they hunt and the money they receive as rewards, players can produce and strengthen a wide variety of weapons and take on the next quest.
This title was created based on the concept of creating a new attraction for the "Monster Hunter" series, and two new elements, "hunting techniques" and "hunting styles," have been added. Kari-teki" are the great moves that can be performed by attacking a monster and building up the Kari-teki gauge to the maximum. There are two main types of hunting techniques: weapon-specific hunting techniques, which are prepared for each weapon, and common hunting techniques that can be used to recover energy or leave the scene in an emergency. The "hunting style" allows players to select a hunting style from a variety of hunting styles, each with different actions and abilities. There are four hunting styles: "Guild," which is well-balanced, "Striker," which is simple to use and can be equipped with many hunting techniques, "Area," which is good at aerial combat, and "Bushido," which can immediately counterattack by guarding or evading a monster's attack right before it strikes.
In addition, numerous new elements have been added, including new monsters such as Hororohoruru and Dosmakkao Makkao, a new field and ancient forest, and "Nyanter Mode," in which players can control Otomo Airu to complete quests.
Stores in Akihabara have been putting all their efforts into developing large sections even before the release of the game. Many stores will also hold early morning sales.
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