Dagashi Anime "Dagashi Butai," main visual and PV released! Character voice of Hotaru Edadaru (CV: Ayana Taketatsu) also
The main visual and PV have been released from the TV anime "Dare ga Shigetu," which will start in January 2016.
Dare But Butai" is an anime work based on Kotoyama's manga serialized in Weekly Shōnen Sunday. In the original manga, the heir to a candy shop and the daughter of a confectionary maker who is a candy fanatic appear in the comedy. It has also gained popularity by introducing fun ways to eat them and recipes for adding a little something extra. Directed by Shigehito Takayanagi of "The World God Only Knows" and "Kanameimo"; series composition by Shigehito Takayanagi and Yasuko Kamo; character design by Kanetoshi Kamimoto of "Yosuga no Sora" and "Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai. The animation is produced by feel.
The main visual and PV have been released. The main visual depicts the inside of the candy shop "Shikada Dagashi," where the story takes place, and the four characters Hotaru Edadaru (CV: Ayana Taketatsu), Kokonotsu Shikada (CV: Atsushi Abe), Saya Endo (CV: Aimi Numakura) and Bean Endo (CV: Tatsuo Suzuki), with a lot of candy on display. The PV also shows the characters in action and the character voice of the heroine Hotaru Edadaru, played by Ayana Taketatsu, for the first time.
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