Dagashi (Japanese candy) anime "Dagashi Butterfly" collaborates with Umaibo! Hotaru Edadaru and "Umaemon" collaborate on a collaborative T-shirt.
A life-size tapestry of Hotaru Edadaru and a collaborative T-shirt from "Dakkatsu Butai" will go on sale in late January or early February 2016.
The items are printed with the heroine Hotaru Edadaru (CV: Ayana Taketatsu) from the TV anime "Dare But Butai," which will begin airing in January 2016. The life-size tapestry is 70 x 160 cm, a big size with a full-body illustration. The collaboration T-shirt is designed in collaboration with "Umaibo," a Japanese candy, and depicts a smiling Hotaru with "Umaemon," the mascot character of Umaibo. Sizes are M/L.
The life-size tapestry is priced at 5,400 yen and the collaboration T-shirt at 3,240 yen. Reservations and sales are available at the official TBS/MBS anime online store "Animaru! (http://animaru.jp/). Also, you can find the TBS Animation/Animarukkai booth at Comic Market 89 (West 4F, Company Booth No. 1)! booth (West 4F, Company Booth No. 212) at Comic Market 89.
In addition, "Amagami SS+ plus", "Kill Me Baby", "K-ON! Dandelion in the Castle Town," "PHANTASY STAR ONLINE 2 THE ANIMATION," "After all, my adolescent romantic comedy is wrong. Seishun x Kikan Gan," "Shokugeki no Soma," and "Young Black Jack. For more information, please visit the special website (http://animaru.jp/shop/pages/comiket89.aspx).
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