Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju," an anime about the world of Rakugo, releases a music video of the OP theme song by Megumi Hayashibara and Ringo Shiina! Usura-hi Shinju."
The music video for the opening theme song, "Usura-hi Shinju" by Megumi Hayashibara, has been released from the TV anime "Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju," which will start in January.
Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju" is an anime work based on Haruko Unda's manga serialized in ITAN. The TV anime version shares the same staff: director Mamoru Hatakeyama, series composition by Jun Kumagai, character design by Mieko Hosoi, and rakugo supervision by Mieko Hayashi. The director is Mamoru Hatakeyama, series composition is by Jun Kumagai, character design is by Mieko Hosoi, rakugo supervision is by Shinpei Hayashiya, and animation is by Studio Deen.
The show will finally begin airing on January 8, and the jacket and music video for the opening theme song, Megumi Hayashibara's "Usura-hi Shinju," have been unveiled. As previously reported, the music and artwork were produced by Ringo Shiina, and the jacket visual strongly reflects the image of Miyokichi, the mysterious female character played by Ms. Hayashibara. The music video was directed by Tomokazu Yamada, a filmmaker active in many fields including movies and commercials. The music video is directed by Tomokazu Yamada, a filmmaker active in movies and commercials, and features Ms. Hayashibara, who plays a mysterious woman, in the viewfinder of a camera through which a girl is looking.
The CD is scheduled for release on February 3. The first pressing of the CD will include a bromide, newly drawn by the original author Haruko Unda, which also depicts Miyokichi, played by Ms. Hayashibara.
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