Yoyogi Animation Academy acquires "Tennozu Ginga Theatre"! Operating as "Tennoz YOANI Theater" from April 1, 2017
Yoyogi Animation Gakuin announced the acquisition of Tennozu Ginga Gekijo and that it will operate it as Tennozu YOANI Gekijo from April 1, 2017.
Yoyogi Live Animation Corporation, which operates the school, and its parent company, Kyoden Area Net Corporation, acquired "Tennozu Ginga Gekijo" from HORIPRO, Inc. as of February 1, 2016. As a result, "Tennozu Ginga Gekijo" will be operated by Yoyogi Animation Academy as "Tennozu YOANI Gekijo" from April 1, 2017.
From now on, in addition to the business performances that have been held so far, the theater will also host 2.5-dimensional musicals and other performances by Yoyogi Animation Gakuin and other companies in cooperation with Yoyogi Animation Gakuin. It was also decided to have many of the school's students perform in such performances. By giving them the experience of practicing for a professional production, the school expects to increase the percentage of students making their debut.
Incidentally, the Tennozu Ginga Gekijo opened in 1992 as the Art Sphere. ORIX later acquired it from Mitsubishi Corporation subsidiary Sphere Corporation, and since 2006 it has been operated by Ginga Theatre Corporation, a group company of HORIPRO.
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