Dagashi butai," an animated candy cartoon, and Matsuyama Seika "Namaiki Beer" collaborated to produce beer mugs! New colors of "Umaemon" collaboration T-shirts are also available.
A collaboration product with "Namaiki Beer," a dagashi (Japanese confectionery), from the TV anime "Dage butai" will go on sale on February 13, 2012.
This is a collaboration product with Matsuyama Seika, which produces "Namaiki Beer," a candy that appears in the anime. The beer mug is a beer mug with a transfer print of the heroine Hotaru Edadaru and the "Namaiki Beer" package, in reference to the fact that "Namaiki Beer" is a powdered beverage that resembles beer. It also comes with 3 bags of "Namaiki Beer" for immediate consumption after purchase. The price is 2,592 yen.
Also available are a limited color version of the previously reported collaboration T-shirt featuring the "Umaibo" mascot character "Umaemon" and Hotaru Edadaru, as well as an original T-shirt featuring a signboard from "Shikada Dagashi," the main character's family home. Sizes are M/L/XL, each priced at 3,240 yen.
Both T-shirts will be sold at the "Animaru! Fest! festival! (February 13-28 at animate Akihabara store B1F).
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