Anthropomorphic Ultra Monster Project" to be animated in Fall 2016! Anthropomorphizing the monsters of the Ultraman series as "Monster Girls"!
An anime adaptation of "Anthropomorphic Ultra Monster Project" has been decided. The short anime will start in the fall of 2016 as "Kaijugaru-zu: Ultra Monster Anthropomorphization Project" (tentative).
This is an anime adaptation of the "Ultra Monster Anthropomorphization Project," a project in which popular artists will anthropomorphize the monsters of the Ultraman series. The anime version will be created by Norimitsu Kaiho and produced by Studio Puyukai, and will be available on the d-Anime Store from around fall 2016.
At the dAnime Store booth in AnimeJapan 2016, a PV will be shown and original goods limited to the venue will be given away to official Twitter followers of the dAnime Store by lottery. The items will be vinyl mascots of Gomora-chan and Zandrius-chan, two petite characters that also appear in the short anime, and will be wrapped around the arms of the monster girls' cosplayers.
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