Magical Girl Raising Plan" to be adapted into a TV anime by the end of 2016! Suspense battle work depicting ruthless killings by 16 cute magical girls
Magical Girl Raising Plan" to be adapted into a TV anime
Magical Girl Raising Plan" is a light novel work published by Asari Endo in the "This light novel is amazing! Light novel work published by Asari Endo in the "This Light Novel is Amazing! The story is set in the game "Magical Girl Raising Project," in which one real "magical girl" is created for every tens of thousands of players, and depicts a grueling survival race to reduce the overabundant number of magical girls to half. The highlight of the film is an intense and ruthless suspenseful battle between 16 cute magical girls.
Directed by Hiroyuki Hashimoto of "Is Your Order a Rabbit? and series composition by Takao Yoshioka of "April is Your Lie" fame, with animation production by LARUKE. A teaser visual and a teaser PV were also released. Broadcasting will begin within 2016.
Asari Endo (original story) comment
The support we have received from our fans has been converted into energy and "Magical Girl Raising Plan" has become an animation. The staff has gone through many enthusiastic meetings and numerous brush-ups, and it seems to be turning out to be a wonderful work of art. As a viewer, I am looking forward to seeing the magical girls moving around on the TV screen.
Comment from Maruino (original illustration)
As an illustrator and a fan, I am extremely happy to be able to welcome the day I have been waiting for. To everyone involved, thank you very much.
Hiroyuki Hashimoto (Director) comment
I never thought that I would be directing a magical girl work, so I was surprised when I heard about it. I can't wait to see the cute magical girls created by Mr. Endo and Mr. Maruino in action, but at the same time, I am nervous about whether I can successfully visualize the wishes of the original fans since the series has been running for a long time. I will do my best to have fun while producing the film, so please give me your support! Your sister is really cool!
Comment from Takao Yoshioka (Series Composition/Screenplay)
I am reminded once again that it is a very extravagant job to reconstruct a TV series based on a one-volume novel. We are able to create images under the supervision of the original author of the novel, which is a great pleasure for me because we are able to create each and every event that was only mentioned between the lines of the novel. The entire staff will do our best to bring to you elements that have been newly visualized through the visualization, the charm of the characters, and the fun of the series.
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