Anime movie "Digimon Adventure tri." opens a store at P'PARCO in Ikebukuro, Tokyo! Characters welcome you in their store attire!
A store will be open for a limited time from the hit anime movie "Digimon Adventure tri.
Digimon Adventure tri." is the latest in the Digimon series, a sequel to the original "Digimon Adventure. Set three years after the final battle against Belial Vandemon in "Digimon Adventure 02," the film tells the story of the "chosen children" (Taichi Yagami, Yamato Ishida, Sora Takenouchi, Mitsuro Izumi, Mimi Tachigawa, Takeshi Kido, Takeru Takaishi, Hikari Yagami), including the main character Taichi Yagami, who is now a high school student. The story is depicted as a film in six chapters. The film is directed by Keitaro Motonaga, with series composition by Yuko Kakihara and character design by Atsuya Uki. The cast will be renewed as the children grow up, but the first generation of Digimon partners will continue to be cast. The theme song is also a newly recorded version of an existing song.
Chapter 1, "Reunion," was a blockbuster hit, grossing 230 million yen and attracting 146,000 viewers, and Chapter 2, "Determination," which opened on Saturday, March 12, has been shown for an extended period. In response to this strong performance, a "Digimon tri. store" will open at Limited Base on the 3rd floor of P'PARCO in Ikebukuro from May 12 (Thu.) to June 1 (Wed.). The newly-drawn visual is an illustration of the characters dressed as store clerks. Limited items will also be available.
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