Birthday live report on Hiro Shimono, who marks the 15th anniversary of his debut as a voice actor! 2nd single to be released!
Hiro Shimono, who has appeared in many popular works such as "Shinkage no Kyojin" (Connie) and "Uta no Prince Sama series" (Sho Kurusu), started his career as an artist to celebrate his 15th anniversary as a voice actor. The first single "REAL" was released in March, and a birthday live event was held. With the release of his 2nd single scheduled for the summer, it seems that we will be able to keep an eye on his future activities.
Here is the report.
Report on the first Tokyo performance of "Hiro Shimono Birthday Live Event REAL
Hiro Shimono, who celebrated his 15th anniversary as a voice actor and made his debut as an artist, held "Hiro Shimono Birthday Live Event REAL-REAL-" on April 24 (Sun.), 2016 at Yamano Hall in Tokyo with his 1st single "REAL-REAL-". The event featured a stage performance unique to Shimono, who celebrated his birthday on April 21, as well as a video message from a surprise guest.
Mr. Shimono appeared on stage to enthusiastic cheers, and he gave a speech on his 15th anniversary and birthday, "15th anniversary of my debut as a voice actor! 15 things I want to present to Hiro Shimono! challenge. Of the 15 challenges (5 performances x 3 challenges = 15 challenges), this time he took on "Improvisation Song Contest," "What's in the Box, Mr. Shimono? and "Serious, Serious, Serious White-Edged Duel! and "Serious white-blade fighting! If you complete each of the three challenges, you will receive one of the following items, but you failed in both of the two performances in Osaka.
<The five gifts that Hiro Shimono wants "right now" are
I want to visit Dracula's Castle in Romania!
I want to go to a hot spring and enjoy snow viewing!
I want a PS4!
I want a week's vacation!
I want to play Savage!
In the "Impromptu Song Contest," Ms. Shimono and Tadatomo Date, Ms. Shimono's junior and the host, challenged the audience to sing a song about a man who confessed to her that he was the same sex as her. Mr. Date performed an impromptu song about a man who confessed his love to a woman he thought was a woman, and Mr. Shimono praised his growth. Ms. Shimono showed a high level of perfection and successfully completed the challenge with a song that included the A melody, B melody, and chorus, "The guy I like is a girl, but I don't care about his gender.
In the "What's in the Box, Mr. Shimono? the contestants answered the question while screaming as they were bitten by the "Super Itty Bitty Wanny," a toy that causes crocodiles to bite them when it touches their teeth, but they failed to answer the official name. However, he failed the challenge because he could not answer the official name of the toy. However, under the special rule that if he succeeded in the third challenge, he would get a present, he challenged the "Serious, Serious White-Edged Duel! The challenge was "Serious Shirahadatotori! The contestants struggled to catch Mr. Date's sword with the white-blade dagger, but failed.
The "Surprise!" quiz, in which questions related to Mr. Shimono were posed by a person with a connection to the show! Hiro Shimono Episode Quiz! The question was "What is the name of the drink that was sent to Mr. Shimono as a birthday present in the past? The questions included such questions as "What is the name of the drink that was sent to Mr. Shimono as a birthday present in the past? As a penalty game, he performed "Confess your love to a girl you play with on the beach" and "Confess your love to a girl you've known since childhood".
The last live performance started with "character song live part" of the characters she had performed in the past, including "Meteor Shoot" from the TV anime "CLUSTER EDGE" which filled the venue with excitement, and "Alone" from the game "Mizu no Senritsu 2 - Scarlet Memory" which was one of the reasons for Shimono to make her debut as an artist. In "Alone" from the game "Water Melody 2: Scarlet Memory," which was one of the songs that led to Shimono's debut as an artist.
During the "Real Leather Jacket Collection," a corner showing the leather jackets used in "Real - REAL-," she performed wearing three different leather jackets. As a surprise, Daisuke Ono and Koshi Tsujitani sent video messages to the audience, and Mr. Tsujitani showed embarrassing episodes and photos of Mr. Shimono, causing some to scream.
They sang the coupling song "Yakusoku (Promise)" and sang "Real - REAL" as the last song to express their gratitude to their fans. During the encore, they announced that they would release their 2nd single this summer as a happy news, and sang "Real - REAL-" once again to close the stage.
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