Anime Film "Princess Hirune: The Unknown Watashi no Monogatari," starring actress Mitsuki Takahata! Challenging Okayama dialect
The cast and a special trailer have been announced for the 2017 anime film "Princess Hirune: The Unknown Watashi no Monogatari".
The film is set in Kurashiki City, Okayama Prefecture in 2020, just before the Tokyo Olympics, and tells the story of a father and daughter. The original character design is by Satoko Morikawa of "The Cat Returns," the design of the sidecar "Hearts" that transforms into a robot is by Shigeto Koyama of "Baymax," the animation is by Atsuko Sasaki of "Eden of the East," and the animation is produced by Signal M.D.
The role of the main character, Kokone Morikawa, will be played by actress Mitsuki Takahata. Upon accepting the role, Takahata said, "I have done voice acting twice before, but it is very difficult because the facial expressions are not my own. I feel that my voice has a strong peculiarity, so when I was offered the role as a voice actor, I was happy, but I also wondered if it was the right choice for me. But Director Kamiyama was very careful in conveying the character to me, so I will try as many times as I can to fit the director's image," he said enthusiastically.
As for his Okayama dialect, he said, "This is my third dialect role this year alone (laughs). Dialect is difficult. I want to try to make it sound comfortable for people in Okayama. After watching the special trailer in which her voice was recorded, she commented, "Kokone-chan is a "not too cute" character that everyone can love, and I feel close to her. The scenery of Okayama, where the film takes place, is beautiful and makes me want to go there.
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