Anime based on the novel by Hiroshi Arakawa! Voting is now open! Fullmetal Alchemist" to be made into a live-action movie, "Arslan Senki" to be sequeled in summer, etc.

Anime portal "Anipota" operated by Akiba Research Institute has started "Anime by Hiroshi Arakawa! has started on the anime portal "Anipota" operated by Akiba Research Institute.

This is a popularity poll targetinganimationworksbased on manga artist Hiroshi Arakawa's original works, and was created by a user named Tanu☆Pon on May 24. In addition to "Fullmetal Alchemist," whose live-action film adaptation has been attracting a great deal of attention, and "Arslan Senki," whose sequel will be broadcast from July, "Silver Spoon Silver Spoon" and "Jushin Enbu - HERO TALES" were also entered. The results will be interesting to see, given that they are hit makers.

Voting is limited to three times per person and closes on June 30.
→#Voting is open to three times per person .

The campaign is now underway on "AniPota" to win a 5,000 yen Amazon gift certificate for creating an anime popularity poll, and will end on June 13.

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