Short animation "Ippou Nihon Mukashi Banashi" to be distributed on June 1! Surrealistic and nonsense world created by Takashi Taniguchi of "Yami Shibai
The anime "Ippou Nihon Mukashi Banashi"will be distributed fromJune1.
Ippou Nihon Mukashi Banashi" is a surreal and nonsensical short animation that depicts the main stories of "old stories" that everyone knows, such as "Momotaro," "Tsuru no Ongyo" and "Kasa Jizo," and the other side of those stories that are not so interesting or important. Takashi Taniguchi, who writes the script, draws the animation, and voices the characters, is anup-and-coming animation artist who also directed the third season of the TV animation "Yami Shibai. In anticipation of the start of distribution, he said, "I have loved Japanese folktales since I was a child, and I would always watch the TV anime that was being broadcast at the time once every two or three weeks. In the 20 years since then, while I have only read game magazines and battle manga, my love for Japanese folktales has continued to grow, and this time I have put all of my feelings into it.
All 12episodes are available on UULA ( and GEO Channel (
(c) Takashi Taniguchi/Avex Pictures
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