Summer Anime "Cheer Boys! announces the cast of female characters! Yuko Kaita, Ayumi Fujimura, Reika Uyama
Additional cast members have been announced for the TV anime"Cheer Boys! which will start in July.
Cheerleader Boys!is ananime work based on the novel by Ryo Asai, the author of "Kirishima, Bukkatsu Yameratte yo" which has also been made into a live-action movie. The film depicts the struggles of a group of college students who are not quite sure what they are doing, and who devote their youth to cheerleading. Directed by Ai Yoshimura of "After all, my adolescent romantic comedy is wrong.series composition by Reiko Yoshida,character design by Hiroyuki Asada of "Tegamibachi", character design by Hito Tsuruta of "World Trigger", and animation production by Brain's Base.
The cast of three female characters has now been released. Yuko Kaita will play Satsuki Takagi, the coach of the women's cheerleading team "DREAMS," Ayumi Fujimura will play Haruko Bando, the main character's older sister, and Reika Uyama will play Chihiro Sakai, a slightly dorky "DREAMS" member.
The "Yamanote Line Cheering Group" campaign is currently being held untilJuly 3.
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