Gavril Dropout" to be adapted into a TV anime! School comedy about an angel leading a self-defeating life.

TV anime "Gavril Dropout" announced.

Gavril Dropout" is a manga serialized by Ugami-san in Comic Dengeki Daiouji. It is a school comedy that depicts the daily life of Gavril, who has come to earth but has become a "bad angel" because she has become too familiar and leads a self-defeating life.

The staff is directed by Masahiko Ota, director of "YuruYuri" and "Umaru-chan! Umaru-chan" and the series composition is by Masahiko Ota, who also directed "YuruYuri" and "Umaru-chan," and the series composition is by the same director of "Reikan! Umaru-chan! Umaru-chan"; character design by Katsuhiro Kumagai, sub-character designer for "Raquen Logic" ; and animation production by Animation Studio. On the official website, an illustration message from the original author, Ugami-san, is also available.

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