Bicycle Girls Anime "Ronnin Bokudasasu! The second key visual of the "RONBOKUDAASU! PV showing the characters in action!
The second key visual from the TV anime "Ronnibyoudaasu! TV anime "Rombokudasasu!
The "Rombokudasasu! is an anime work based on the manga series by Taishi Miyake, which is currently serialized in the monthly comic magazine ComicREX. It depicts five college girls who are fascinated by road bikes and form a team to participate in a cycling event while sharing hardships and joys. Directed by Tatsuya Yoshihara of "Everyday Life with Monster Girls", series composition by Natsuko Takahashi of "Ore Monogatari!and character design byTokiemon Futsuzawaof "Senki Zesshou Symphogear GX,"with animation production by Actus.
The second key visual featuring the main characters has been released. The PV was released at "Comic Market 90" held today, August 12, and you can see the girls in action.
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