Digital Idol," produced by Akimoto Yasushi, announces its second series of character designs! Designed by Yukiko Horiguchi, Kuroto Fukasaki, and others!
Four new character designs have been announced from "Digital Idol," a group of girls comprehensively produced by Yasushi Akimoto.
Digital Idol" is a two-dimensional idol unit created by Sony Music and Aniplex, and produced by Yasushi Akimoto, known as the producer of AKB48 group, Nogizaka46 and Keyakizaka46. The characters are designed by famous creators, and the voice actors are chosen through auditions on "SHOWROOM" ( # ), a virtual live space where people can enjoy communicating with idols and celebrities on the Internet.
⇒ "Digital Idol", produced by Akimoto Yasushi, announced the first picture! Designed by Masaga Tanaka, Hirokazu Koyama (TYPE-MOON) and others!
This time, "K-ON! and "Tamako Market" Yukiko Horiguchi's "Miu Takigawa", Kuruto Fukasaki's "Nicole Saito" from "How to Raise a Saerenai Kanojo", Mieko Hosoi from "Grimgal of Ashes and Fantasy", "Nerawareta Gakuen", "Aiura", and others. The designs of "Miyako Kono", in charge of Mieko Hosoi of "Ura", and "Ayaka Tachikawa", in charge of Koharu Sakura (QP:flapper) of "Girl Friend (kari)" were announced.
See the next page for comments from the illustrators in charge of the announced character designs.
For more information on the application requirements and selection schedule, please check the special page ( # ).
(C) Sony Music Entertainment Inc, All rights reserved.
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