Popular mystery novel "Vatican Miracle Investigator" is now being made into an anime! Two young genius priests solve the world's most difficult cases.

Kadokawa Horror Bunko announced that an anime adaptation of "Vatican Miracle Investigator" is in progress.

Vatican Investigator" (Kadokawa Horror Bunko) is a popular mystery series written by Fujiki Kenji. The series is popular for its depiction of the activities of a genius priest duo, Hiraga, a scientist and the perfect candidate for psychological research, and Roberto, an expert in deciphering ancient documents and codes, who take on the challenges of mysteries and cases from all over the world that come to the Vatican. The series has sold more than 950,000 copies and is currently being serialized in a comic book series in "Monthly Comic Gene" (manga by Anju Hino, character design by THORES Shibamoto). The latest 14 volumes will be released on December 22.

It has been announced that an anime adaptation of the popular series is in the works. Details will be announced in due course. Check out the novel's official website ( # ) as well.

(C) Rin FUJIKI 2007
(C) Rin FUJIKI 2009