Animated film "Poppin Q" reveals the secret of the loose-fitting costumes worn by the heroines! Director Miyahara's enthusiastic comment also arrives!

From the animated film "Poppin Q" to be released on December 23, the secret of the "loose-fitting bio-suits" worn by the heroines has been revealed.

Poppin Q" is an original theatrical animation produced to commemorate the 60th anniversary of Toei Animation. It depicts five girls who have wandered into a mysterious world, and through dancing, they try to save the world from a crisis by communicating with each other. The director is Naoki Miyahara, who has created many dance videos for the "Pretty Cure" series, and the original character design is by Kohaku Kuroboshi, who created the TV animation "World Conquest: Zwizdar the Plotter.
⇒Toei's original animation film "Poppin Q" will be released in winter! A special report has also been released.

In the scene cutout released this time, the heroines, Ijun, Aoi, Konatsu, and Asahi, are wearing colorful and somewhat fantastic "Yuru-Fuwa Costume". The "Yurufuwa Bio Suit" protects them from the effects of the mysterious world of "Toki no Tani" (Valley of Time), where they gradually lose their powers due to the misalignment of the world and time if they remain alive. Furthermore, it is said that by wearing the suits, the girls can draw out even more power that resides in them.

Director Miyahara said, "I thought it would be cute if they could dance in these suits. I dared to create a fuzzy silhouette. It also represents the state of a "chrysalis" before it evolves. Please enjoy the charm of the bio-suit on the screen, which is the opposite of stylish and full of individuality! I hope you will enjoy the charm of the bio-suit on the screen," he says. What kind of dance will these heroines in suits that seem unsuitable for dancing do to save the world?

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