TV anime "Tsugumomo" to begin airing in April 2017! A "Yokai Action Comedy" in which a beautiful, domineering, and mourning goddess takes on a bizarre case!
TV anime "Tsugumomo" will start airing in April 2017.
Tsugumomo" is a TV anime based on the popular manga series of the same name by Yoshikazu Hamada, serialized in "Monthly Action" (Futabasha). It is a "ghost action comedy" in which an ordinary boy, Kagami Kazuya, and Kiriba, who is a mourning god for an obi, a memento of his late mother, take on a series of bizarre incidents that occur one after another.
⇒ 2017 Spring Anime List
A teaser visual has been released this time. The teaser visual depicts the main characters Kazuya and Kiriba, Kazuya's childhood friend Chisa Chikaishi, the land god Kukuri, and Kokuyo, who serves Kukuri. In addition, the official website ( # ) and official Twitter ( @tsugumomo_anime ) have been opened in conjunction with the release of the illustrations, and comments from the original author, Hamada-san, have also arrived.
Here is what he had to say.
Hamada Yoshikazu
Thanks to your support, we are celebrating the anime adaptation! Thank you very much! For about 9 years, I have been drawing this self-centered work with the intention of pleasing myself, so I did not expect such a big development. So I can only express my gratitude to those who have made this happen. I will do my best on the original work so that it does not lose to the anime.
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