Anime Film "Princess Hirune: The Unknown Watashi no Monogatari" Announces Additional Cast Members! Wataru Takagi, who is getting his breakthrough as an actor in "Sanadamaru
Additional casting information has been announced for the anime film "Princess Hirune: The Unknown Watashi no Monogatari," which will be released on March 18, 2017.
The film is set in Okayama Prefecture on the eve of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, and is a "story of a family" with gimmicky direction typical of Kamiyama. It is a "story of a family" set in Okayama Prefecture just before the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, with a gimmicky direction characteristic of Kamiyama. The original character design is by Satoko Morikawa of "The Cat Returns," the design of the sidecar "Hearts" that transforms into a robot is by Shigeto Koyama of "Baymax," the animation is by Atsuko Sasaki of "Eden of the East," and the animation production is by Signal M.D.
⇒ "Princess Hirune", the latest work by Kenji Kamiyama, director of "Ghost in the Shell S.A.C.", will be released in theaters in 2017! Character drafted by Satoko Morikawa of "The Cat Returns
It was announced that Wataru Takagi will play Sado, a childhood friend and bad friend of Momotaro Morikawa (CV: Yosuke Eguchi), the father of the heroine Kokone (CV: Mitsuki Takahata). The participation of Mr. Takagi, who has been a voice actor for 28 years and also made his breakthrough as an actor in the historical drama "Sanadamaru," has attracted much attention.
Below are comments from Mr. Takagi and Director Kamiyama.
Wataru Takagi
I was very much looking forward to the recording. I played the role of Sado, a childhood friend and bad friend of Momotaro Morikawa, and together with Tomoya Maeno who played the role of Nagita, I played the role with a sense of familiarity as a neighborhood old man who has known Kokone since he was a baby boy. Hirune Hime" is a slightly mysterious story where Kokone's dreams and reality intersect. I am looking forward to seeing the finished film in the theater to see what kind of discoveries she and Morio will make together on their journey. Please also look forward to hearing me speak in the Okayama dialect.
Director Kenji Kamiyama
When I was auditioning male voice actors for the role of Sado, I stopped to listen to Mr. Takagi because I thought he had a very good voice. I think he gave me the momentum for Sanadamaru.
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