Animated film "Poppin Q", mysterious new character is played by Chiwa Saito! After the ED roll, there is a shocking special video...?
A poster depicting a new character from the animated film "Poppin Q," which opens in theaters on December 23, has been released.
Poppin Q" is an original theatrical animation produced to commemorate the 60th anniversary of Toei Animation. It depicts five girls who have wandered into a mysterious world, and through dancing, they try to save the world from a crisis by communicating with each other. The director is Naoki Miyahara, who has created many dance videos for the "Pretty Cure" series, and the original character design is by Kohaku Kuroboshi, who created the TV animation "World Conquest: Zwizdar the Plotter.
⇒Toei's original animation film "Poppin Q" will be released in winter! A special report has also been released.
A poster image depicting a mysterious new character from the upcoming film has been released. The identity of the mysterious woman depicted in the delicate touch of Kohaku Kuroboshi, the character designer, can be seen at ・・・・・・. The mysterious character is played by Ms. Chiwa Saito.
After the ED roll, a special shocking video that can only be seen in movie theaters will be shown, so be sure not to leave your seats after the main film is over.
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