Here is a summary of new anime recently added to the Akiba Research Institute Anime Works Database.
If there is a work you are interested in, check it out now using the clip function!
For more information on next season's TV anime and theater productions, see the 2017 Winter Anime List andAnime Movie Screening Schedule.
Rage of Bahamut VIRGIN SOUL Spring 2017
Brend S: Undecided
Fafner the Beyond: Undecided
Fate/Apocrypha 2017
Welcome to the Ballroom Undecided
Komplex x Complex Winter 2017
Sword Oratorio Spring 2017
Gintama . Winter 2017
YU-NO: The Girl Who Sings Love to the Ends of the Earth Undecided
(C) XEBEC, FAFNER BEYOND PROJECT (C) Copyright King Record.