Digimon Adventure tri." anime movie, the event "DIGIMON ADVENTURE FES. 2017" will be held on July 30!
The event "DIGIMON ADVENTURE FES. 2017" has been announced for the anime film "Digimon Adventure tri.
Digimon Adventure tri." is an animated feature film that is a sequel to the TV anime "Digimon Adventure. Set three years after the final battle against Belial Vandemon in "Digimon Adventure 02," the six-chapter film tells the story of Taichi Yagami and his "chosen children" who have grown up. Directed by Keitaro Motonaga, series composition by Yuko Kakihara, and character design by Atsuya Uki, "Chapter 4: Loss" will be screened in theaters from February 25, 2017 (Saturday).
⇒ " Digimon Adventure tri.", a six-chapter anime film, will be released in November! New Cast of Children
It was announced that "DIGIMON ADVENTURE FES. 2017" will be held on Sunday, July 30, 2017. DIGIMON ADVENTURE FES." is an event featuring talks by the cast, original reading plays, and live performances by artists, and was held in 2015 and 2016, gaining popularity.
The event will be held twice a day and twice a night, and the Blu-ray & DVD limited first-run edition of "Chapter 4: Loss" scheduled for release on April 4 (Tuesday) will include an application ticket for the fastest advance lottery. Event details and ticket sales information will be announced at a later date.
In addition, "Digimon tri. store PART3 in Ikebukuro P'PARCO" will be held from February 24 (Sat). Don't miss out on the newly-drawn visual above, which is related to the winter season, as well as the merchandising of goods using pictures drawn by the cast.
In addition, a premiere advance screening of "Chapter 4: Loss" and the release of character songs have also been announced, so check out the official website ( # ).
Event Information
■"Digimon tri. store PART3 in Ikebukuro P'PARCO
Period: February 24 (Fri.) - March 15 (Wed.), 2017
Location: Ikebukuro P'PARCO 3rd floor Limited Base (1-50-35 Higashi-Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo)
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