Animation film "Princess Hirune: The Unknown Watashi no Monogatari" selected as the opening invitation film for the Yubari International Fantastic Film Festival 2017!
The animation film "Princess Hirune: The Unknown Watashi no Monogatari", which will be released on March 18, 2017, has been selected as the opening invitation film for the Yubari International Fantastic Film Festival 2017.
The film is set in Okayama Prefecture, just before the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, and is full of gimmicks, as is typical of Kamiyama's work. It is a "story of a family" set in Okayama Prefecture just before the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, with a gimmicky direction characteristic of Kamiyama. The original character design is by Satoko Morikawa of "The Cat Returns," the design of the sidecar "Hearts" that transforms into a robot is by Shigeto Koyama of "Baymax," the animation is by Atsuko Sasaki of "Eden of the East," and the animation production is by Signal M.D.
⇒ "Princess Hirune", the latest work by Kenji Kamiyama, director of "Ghost in the Shell S.A.C.", will be released in theaters in 2017! Character draft is by Satoko Morikawa of "The Cat Returns".
⇒ Anime Industry Watching Vol. 29: Director Kenji Kamiyama talks about the long road to "Princess Hirune: The Unknown Watashi no Monogatari
At the "Yubari International Fantastic Film Festival 2017" lineup press conference held on January 16, 2017, it was announced that this film will be screened as an opening invitation film.
Yubari International Fantastic Film Festival 2017" will be held from March 2 to 6. For more details, please visit the event's official website ( # ).
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