A comprehensive list of deals (+ restocked items) at major PC parts stores in Akihabara!
Last update: Jan. 20
This special price page will be updated until Jan. 22.
We will add new items as soon as we know the special prices at each store.
Prices are as of the time of the interview. Please contact each store for detailed inventory and the latest prices.
PC Shop ARC'sweekend specialpriceinformationis on p.2(updated 1/20)
PC KOBO Akihabara BUYMORE Store's weekend special price information is on p.3(updated 1/20)
dospara parts hall
[Special Price] - Palit "NE5105T018G1-1070F" 14,797 yen (without tax) - ADATA "ASU800SS-256GT-C" 8,315 yen (without tax) - ADATA "ASU800SS-512GT-C" 15,000 yen (without tax) - ADATA "ASX800NP-512 GM-C" 23,889 yen (without tax) ・ENERMAX "ECA3390AG-BL" 5,940 yen (without tax) ・Genjin-oriented "KRPW-AK650W/88+" 6,698 yen (without tax) ・Owaltec "FSP RA-750S" 7,609 yen (without tax) ・Logitech "M570t" 3,686 yen (without tax) Logitech "M570t" 3,686 yen (tax not included) The quantity of each item is limited to one per person. Sales period is January 20 (Fri.) - 22 (Sun.) |
[Limited quantity special price] ・Palit "NE51060S15J9-1060J" 27,760 yen (tax-excluded) Video card with GeForce GTX 1060. On sale from Friday, January 20 to Sunday, January 22. |
[Special price] ・WEBROOT "WEGJPBX1003" 4,167 yen (excluding tax) Anti-virus software for gamers |
[Special Price] ・Shanghai Toya Product Settlement Inventory Disposal Sale Shanghai Douya products are on sale for the end of the fiscal year. All items are limited stock. |
Toei Land
[Special price] ・PNY "PHANTOM 1 120GB SSD" 4,980 yen (tax included) 7mm thickness/2.5-inch SSD with 120GB capacity |
[ ・Silicon Power "AP12500D-DGT-5V-CWH" (Capacity: 12,500mAh) 2,480 yen (including tax) ・Silicon Power "AP12500D-DGT-5V-CBK" (Capacity: 12,500mAh) 2,480 yen (including tax) DGT-5V-CBK" (capacity: 20,000mAh) 3,480 yen (including tax) Silicon Power Mobile Battery |
[Special price] ・Toshiba, "HDTS812AZSTA" 5,700 yen (including tax) 2.5-inch SSD with 120GB capacity |
[Special price] ・「Various USB Type-C-USB A cables」 880~980 yen (including tax) Various USB Type-C-USB A cables |
[Special price] ・Elecom "DGB-S012DR" 680 yen (including tax) Compact single-lens reflex camera case |
Techno House Toei
[Special price] ・PNY, "PHANTOM 1 120GB SSD", 4,980 yen (including tax) 7mm thickness/2.5-inch SSD with 120GB capacity |
[Special price] ・MonoGo "DANSP" 1,480 yen (including tax) An assembled cardboard passive speaker. Samples are displayed in the store, and you can try it out with your own smartphone. According to Mr. A, a staff member at the store, "You can also use it as a stand for your smartphone made of chalet cardboard☆ (ω・ω・・)v |
[Special price] ・Silicon Power "AP12500D-DGT-5V-CWH" (capacity: 12,500mAh) 2,480 yen (including tax) ・Silicon Power "AP12500D-DGT-5V-CBK" (capacity: 12,500mAh) 2,480 yen (including tax) DGT-5V-CBK" (capacity: 20,000mAh) 3,480 yen (including tax) Silicon Power Mobile Battery |
[Special price] ・Toshiba, "HDTS812AZSTA" 5,700 yen (including tax) 2.5-inch SSD with 120GB capacity |
[Special price] ・「Heart seeds」 100 yen (tax included) Balloon kazura seeds |
[Seishin Tougei "Herb cultivation set Verde Cafe Wild Strawberry" 580 yen (tax included) ・Seishin Tougei "Herb cultivation set Verde Cafe Lemon Balm" 580 yen (tax included) ・Seishin Tougei "Herb cultivation set Verde Cafe Basil" 580 yen (tax included) Verde Cafe Mint" 580 yen (tax included) Cup-shaped herb growing set |
[Special price] ・"Super Absorbent Multi Pouch" 380 yen each (including tax) Multi-pouch convenient for carrying umbrellas and PET bottles |
[Special price] ・"Self-Portrait Photo Stick" 680 yen each (including tax) Selfie stick with shutter button |
[Special price] ・"Drip-proof pouch for smartphone" 280 yen each (including tax) Splash-proof pouch for smartphone |
[Special price] ・Craftsmanship Curved Nail Clippers 380 yen (including tax) Nail clippers with slanted blades |
[Special price] ・Hirano Shokai "HRN-271" 480 yen (including tax) Stand for smart phone |