Information on the admission bonus has been announced for the anime film "Slaughter Organ" which will be released on February 3 (Sat).
The animated film "Slaughter Organ" is one of the three works of "Project Itoh", a series of animated feature films based on the original novels "Slaughter Organ" and "Harmony" by Keisuke Ito, a novelist who died prematurely in 2009 at the age of 34, and "Empire of the Dead" by his close friend, Akutagawa Award winning author Tou Enjo, who completed the remaining 30-page preface of the novel "The Slaughter Organ". This is one of the works in the "Project Itoh" series. Production was suspended and the release of the film postponed due to the bankruptcy of the production studio, but a new studio, Geno Studio, established by the film's chief producer, Koji Yamamoto, has since taken over production of the film.
⇒ "Slaughterhouse Organ", a noitaminA film, continues production with the aim of completion by the end of 2016! Staff reunited at "Geno Studio" established by Koji Yamamoto.
It was announced that the admission present will be a "clear bookmark with reading voice". The bookmarks will come in three types: one for Kravis Shepard, one for John Paul, and one for a collection of key visuals, each with a QR code to download a voice reading from a passage of the original novel by Yuichi Nakamura (who plays Kravis) and Takahiro Sakurai (who plays John Paul). (The reading dialogue that comes with the clear booklet of the key visuals is one or the other at random). For more details, please visit the official website ( # ).