Animation "Milo Murphy's Law" to be previewed on the Disney Channel from February 13 to 17!
The animated series "Milo Murphy's Law," scheduled to begin airing this spring, will be broadcast in advance.
Milo Murphy's Law" is the latest animated feature from Dan Povenmeier and Jeff Swampy Marsh, creators of the Disney Channel hit and five-time Emmy Award-winning "Phineas and Ferb. The film depicts Milo, a descendant of Murphy, from whom "Murphy's Law" was derived, as he faces a series of unbelievable mishaps and overcomes them with his characteristic positive thinking.
This time, it has been announced that the film, which is scheduled to start this spring, will be broadcast on the Disney Channel from February 13 (Mon.) to 17 (Fri.), with one episode a day until the fifth episode, so be sure to take this opportunity to check out this much talked about work by the master of American animation.
(C) Disney
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