Recent new anime information including THE IDOLM@STER SIDEMASTER SideM, Children of the Dead, NEW GAME!(2nd season), Magical GuruGuru, and more!
Here is a summary of new anime recently added to the Akiba Research Institute Anime Works Database.
If there is a work you are interested in, use the clip function to check it out while you still can!
For more information on next season's TV anime and theater productions, see the 2017 Spring Anime List andAnime Movie Screening Schedule.
Princess Elena of Avalor Spring 2017
Children of the Clueless 2017
... OVA High School Fleet Spring 2017
Tomica Hyper Rescue Drive Head: Mobile Emergency Police Spring 2017
・ IDOLM@STER SideM, undecided
NEW GAME!(2nd season) Undecided
Magic Guru Guru: Undecided
Biblia Kosho no Jiken Techo (The Case Files of Biblia's Old Bookstore) Undecided
Aho Girl 2017
Mamakeruna ! Aku no Gudan! 2017
Cars/Crossroads Summer 2017
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