Animated film "LEGO Ninjago The Movie" will be released in Japan in the fall of 2017! New TV series will also start on April 4!
The "LEGO Ninjago" animated film will be released in Japan this fall.
LEGO Ninjago" is an animated TV series based on "LEGO Ninjago," currently on sale by LEGO. The film, which depicts the activities of young ninjas who inherit special powers in Ninja City, has been broadcast for three seasons since 2015 and has gained popularity.
Today (February 22), Ninja Day, it was announced that "LEGO Ninjago the Movie" will be released in Japan in the fall of 2017. The movie's scene photos have also arrived, so be sure to check them out.
It has also been announced that a new TV animation series will start airing in April 2017. It will be broadcast on TV Tokyo on April 4 (Tuesday) at 6:25 pm on "LEGO Time".
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