Animation film "SING", collaboration video of Mr. Saito and Mr. Gunther! A dream collaboration where their talents shine!

A collaboration video of Mr. Saito and Mr. Gunther from the animated film "SING/Sing," which will be released on March 17, 2011.

The animated film "SING/SING" is the latest work by Universal Studios and Illumination Entertainment, the producers of "Minions" and "Pets". The setting is a world somewhat similar to the human world, where only animals live. Buster Moon, the manager of a theater on the verge of demolition, holds the audition of a lifetime in search of the world's greatest song to restore the theater to its former glory. The voice actors for the Japanese dubbed version are Mitsuyoshi Uchimura (Buster Moon the koala), Masami Nagasawa (Ash the porcupine), Takuya Ohashi (Johnny the gorilla), Tsukasa Saito (Gunther the pig), MISIA (Meena the elephant), Mao Daichi (playing the role of Nana Noodleman, a sheep), etc.
⇒Schedule of Animation Film Screening

A collaboration video of Gunter the pig and Trendy Angel Saito, who plays the voice of Gunter, has been released.
Saito-san and Gunter the pig, wearing a dazzling gold hoodie, appeared on stage. It's Gunter! It's Mr. Saito! and "Butao ouze (let's sing)! The two perform a spectacular dance performance to Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance," sung by Gunter the pig, and their talents shine through in the film.
The two are also performing a dance performance to Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance," sung by Gunther the pig. The comments are as follows.

We are similar in that we both love singing and our bodies just move when a song is played. He is a very positive character, and I hope to be like him someday, and I think that if I become like him, mankind will be happy. I respect Gunter.

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