Manga "Mitsuboshi Colors" to be adapted into TV anime! The cast includes Yuuki Takada, Marika Takano, and Natsumi Hioka, and the animation is produced by SILVER LINK.
The TV anime adaptation of the manga "Mitsuboshi Colors" has been announced.
Mitsuboshi Colors" is a manga series by Katsuo in "Monthly Comic Dengeki Daioh" (KADOKAWA). Set in Ueno, the popular work depicts the activities of the "Colors," including three elementary school students, Yui, Sacchan, and Kotoha, who run around daily to protect the peace of the town.
The anime adaptation was announced this time with an illustration by Katsuo in support of the decision. The cast and staff information were also released, with Yuki Takada, Marika Takano, and Natsumi Hioka playing the roles of Yui, Satchan, and Kotoha, respectively, as well as Tomoyuki Kawamura as director, Shogo Yasukawa as series composition, Takumi Yokota as character design, and SILVER LINK. as animation production company. SILVER LINK. will handle the animation production.
In conjunction with the announcement, an anime teaser site ( # ) and official Twitter ( @3boshi_anime ) have been opened, so be sure to check them out as well.
Staff] (*titles omitted)
Director: Tomoyuki Kawamura
Series Composition : Shogo Yaskawa
Character Design : Takumi Yokota
Animation Production: SILVER LINK.
Characters] (*Titles omitted)
■Yui (CV: Yuuki Takada)
The leader of the Colors. She is a crybaby, but scary when angry.
Sacchan (CV: Marika Takano)
A girl who works at a fruit and vegetable store in Ameyoko. She is just crazy.
Kotoha (CV: Natsumi Hioka)
Always playing games. She has dangerous thoughts.
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