Animated film "K SEVEN STORIES" to feature seven stories, to be released sequentially in summer 2018! Stage adaptation of "MISSING KINGS" also announced!
Information on the anime film "K SEVEN STORIES" has been announced.
K" is an original TV animation work that aired in 2012. The original story is by the masked writer group "GoRA" and the animation production is handled by GoHands. K MISSING KINGS" was screened in 2014, and "K RETURN OF KINGS", the second season, was broadcast from October 2015. K MISSING KINGS" was screened in 2014, and the second season, "K RETURN OF KINGS," was broadcast from October 2015. The production of a new anime "K SEVEN STORIES" was also announced.
On April 8, at the live distribution program "Kizuna Emergency Gathering," it was announced that "K SEVEN STORIES
It was revealed that "K SEVEN STORIES" is a theater version anime and that, as the title suggests, seven stories will be released sequentially starting in the summer of 2018.
The seven stories are based on "SIDE : BLUE," "-Lost Small World-," "R : B," "SIDE : GREEN," and "-Memory of Red-," which have been adapted into novels and manga. In addition to " -Lost Small World-", " R : B", " SIDE : GREEN" and "-Memory of Red-", there will be a spin-off work "Idol K", and a completely original new animation based on an original story by GoRA. The official title and other details will be announced in due course.
A stage adaptation of "K MISSING KINGS" has also been announced. For more information on these announcements, please check the official anime website.
(C)GoRA/GoHands/stage k-project
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