Animation film "The Night is Short and the Walking Maidens", featuring two members of the comedy duo Rocchi, is now in theaters! SP program commemorating the opening of the movie will also be broadcast on BS Fuji!
The latest information from the anime film "The Night is Short and the Walking Girl" has been released.
This anime film is based on the best-selling novel by Tomihiko Morimi (KADOKAWA Kadokawa Bunko). It is a coming-of-age love story about a "senior" who has feelings for a "black-haired girl" who is a junior in his club and tries to "catch her eye". The film depicts the love story of the "senpai" as he struggles to "catch her eye" while being caught up in an unusual incident caused by his unique friends in Kyoto. The film is directed by Masaaki Yuasa, written by Makoto Ueda (Europe Kikaku), and the original character design by Yusuke Nakamura.
⇒ " The Night is Short and the Walking Girl", a novel by Tomihiko Morimi, will be adapted into an anime film! Singer-songwriter Gen Hoshino will play the role of the main character, Senpai.
It has been announced that Soichi Nakaoka and Kentaro Kokado of the comedy duo Rocchi will appear in the film, which is currently in theaters. Mr. Nakaoka plays the role of Kosaka, an alumnus of the sophomore sophomore speech club who is saddened by the marriage of his idol "Naoko-san," while Mr. Kokado plays the roles of the vice president of the school festival office and the parrot on his shoulders.
Director Yuasa, a fan of Rocchi, had been hoping to appear in the film since 2010's "Yonjohan Shinwa Taikei," and now his wish has been granted after more than seven years. The voices of the two actors who play the respective characters are definitely worth checking out on the screen.
A special program commemorating the release of "Yoru wa tanashi arukke yo otome," which aired on Fuji Television on April 6, will be broadcast on BS Fuji on April 29 from 27:00. The program will include not only "The Night is Short and the Walking Maidens," but also information on Yuasa's original film "Dawn Tells Lou's Song," which will be released on May 19, so if you have not seen it yet, take this opportunity to check it out.
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