The popular comic "The Land of Jewels," originally written by Haruko Ichikawa, will be adapted into an anime this fall! Directed by Naohiko Kyogoku, character design by Asako Nishida, production by Orange
A TV anime adaptation of Haruko Ichikawa's popular comic "The Land of Jewels" has been announced.
The "Land of Jewels" is a popular comic series in "Afternoon" (Kodansha), written by Haruko Ichikawa. It is an action fantasy depicting a fierce battle between "moon people," a mysterious enemy that flies from the moon, and gems in a world in the distant future, where creatures that once existed have become "gems" with immortal bodies.
⇒2017 Fall Anime List
The TV anime broadcast of this work was announced this time from October 2017. In addition, a teaser visual has been released.
The main character of the work, fosfophyllite, the youngest of all the gems and with an exceptionally fragile hardness, is shown in the teaser visual. The visual is a striking image of Hoss, the main character of the film, with his beautiful light-colored hair shimmering in the reflections of the surroundings.
Information on the main staff has also been released.
The film will be directed by Naohiko Kyogoku ("Love Live! GATE Self Defense Force: On His Land, This Fighting"), Toshiya Ohno ("Blue Exorcist: Kyoto Jououou-hen") as series composition, and Asako Nishida ("Love Live!") as character design. The animation will be produced by Orange, the same company that created the CG parts for "Evangelion: The Movie" and "Macross Frontier the Movie.
Program Information】 (*Titles omitted) Original Story: Haruko Ichikawa
Original story: Haruko Ichikawa (serialized in Kodansha's "Afternoon")
Director: Naohiko Kyogoku
Series Composition: Toshiya Ohno
Character Design: Asako Nishida
Character Design: Asako Nishida
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