Report on "Kaori Oda's 10th Birthday SOLO LIVE 2017" 21 songs filled with 10 years of her career. 4th album "Gift" will also be released!
On May 12, 2017, "Kaori Oda 10th Birthday SOLO LIVE 2017," a live concert celebrating the 10th anniversary of Kaori Oda's solo debut, was held. The venue, Shibuya WWW, was packed with about 400 fans who celebrated her second birthday live in three years. Oda sang a total of 21 songs, including encores, to the excitement of the all-standing audience.
The opening song of the 10th anniversary live was "PLACE," the title song of the first album. Oda appeared in a navy blue one-piece dress with a black sleeveless jacket.
The red ribbon on the bottom of her chest was cute and visually excited the fans. During the chorus, she raised her right hand high to the sky and the excitement increased. The second song, "No sing, No life," was full of emotion. Oda had posted on Twitter, "Today is the day to fight with your fists! Oda had posted on Twitter, "Today is the day to play with your fists!
When the first MC began, the audience congratulated Oda on his birthday with "Happy Birthday! Oda expressed his happiness. Oda looked happy and said, "I don't want to cry yet, but ......," drawing laughter from the audience. I'd like to express my gratitude with many songs, so please give me your best wishes! He then delivered his message, "I want to share a lot of this gratitude with you through my songs.
I would like to share with you a song that I will unveil for the first time today. Please follow me! and performed his first single "MUGEN NO DYSTOPIA," which was only available for limited distribution. The song was followed by "World's End Syndrome," which was sung nonstop with English lyrics to thunderous applause.
The fifth song was "Refrain" by Metamorphose, a special unit in which Oda participated, and her voice soared in the nostalgic sounds of the 90's. Oda happily recalled her experiences performing with Yohko Ishida, Aki Misato, and Emi Ogata, all of whom she had admired during her Metamorphose career. Reflecting back, Oda asked, "May I try to do it again live in the future?" she asked, and cheers of approval rolled in.
In the sixth song, "Same Sky," she sang in a quiet voice about her feelings of being connected with various people through music. The fans listened carefully and felt the sound of her voice with their whole body. During "Beni-knot," a red light illuminated Oda, creating a fantastic atmosphere.
The next song was "Theatrium," the theme song of "Theatrium: Garden of the False Image" from the CD label Otomate Records. Oda himself wrote the lyrics and expressed the world of the work in this song, which could be called his debut song as an author. The dark tone of the song was the darkest in the discography, and as he said, "I would like to invite Shibuya WWW to the world of Theatrium's box garden," it was colored with a mysterious atmosphere.
The second half of the show featured a number of up-tempo songs. During the interlude of "Addicted," rhythmical choreography was performed to capture the audience's attention. During the chorus of "GRASPS," Oda called out to the audience to sing along with the fans. Before they knew it, the band members started singing too, and everyone enjoyed this special day.
Oda took off his jacket for "TRAP," and the fans' voltage soared. The fans' energy level skyrocketed as Oda took off his jacket for the song "TRAP. The tension reached its peak with the high-speed number "LOVE x ∞ 2016". Oda sang the song with a crisp dance, showing his infinite stamina to live up to the title of the song.
After the raging first act, Oda grinned, "People who came to my live for the first time may have been surprised to see me dance!" I think they might have been surprised to see me dance for the first time," she grinned. She told the audience that their singing voices also reached the stage, and smiled, "You may have a bigger voice than mine. He added, "My goal is to write songs that everyone can dance to together. I hope you can look forward to it," she added.
About the birthday live, Oda said, "Birthday is a day to be celebrated, but I think of it as a day to give thanks. I am always made to feel that I am not alone," she said with deep emotion. The fact that I can continue to sing songs that I met 10 years ago and still cherish makes me feel that there is such a future ahead of me," he said. The encore was a live encore of the 10th anniversary live performance.
For encore, the band appeared again wearing the T-shirts of the 10th anniversary live. They sang "Brilliant World" in dazzling hot pink coloring. During the second encore song, "Make it Real," fans took out blue penlights all at once, turning the venue blue in a surprise performance. Oda was thrilled when a birthday cake with the live's logo on it was delivered on stage. However, he seemed to regret not being able to blow out the candles on the cake with a single breath, saying, "I'll work on my lung capacity more," to the laughter of the fans.
During the last MC, she announced the release of her 4th album "Gift" on July 26, which drew the biggest cheer of the day. About the new album, Oda said, "I want to be on the giving side, not the receiving side. I will make an album titled "Gift" with the theme of a gift for everyone," she said enthusiastically.
The finale of the birthday live was "Zero Tokay," the ending theme of "NORN9 NORN+NONET. After finishing all the songs, Oda joined hands with the band members in a row and said in a live voice without a microphone, "I would like to make many more moments like this, so please follow me to the end. Thank you very much for today! She exclaimed, "Thank you very much for your support today! She vowed to deliver many more songs in the future.
Kaori Oda 10th Birthday SOLO LIVE 2017
May 12, 2017 (Fri.) at Shibuya WWW
Set List
02.No sing, No life
03.infinite DYSTOPIA
04.World's End Syndrome
06.Same Sky
07.Oath Bouquet
Red Knot
Dawn Butterfly
14.true colors
LOVE×∞ 2016
Brilliant World
02.Make it Real
03.Zero Tokay
(Text by Katsunori Takahashi)
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