Anime adaptation of "Hakumei and Mikochi," depicting the daily life of Kobito living in the forest, is to be produced by animation studio Lerche! Produced by animation studio Lerche
A TV anime adaptation of "Hakumei and Mikochi" serialized in "HARUTA" (KADOKAWA) has been announced.
The story is about two 9cm-tall dwarf girls who live in a deep green forest, and their daily life in the forest is hilarious and peaceful. It is produced by Lerche, an up-and-coming animation studio that has produced "Monster Musume no iru Nichijo" and "Kuzu no Honkai," and is teaming up with Kusanagi, a group of background artisans specializing in anime and games, to beautifully express a beautiful world full of greenery. Specific information, such as the broadcast start date, has not yet been announced.
To celebrate the anime adaptation, a special page on the anime adaptation of "Hakumei to Mikochi" will appear in the August 10 issue of "HARUTA. In the special feature page, there will be an anime setting drawing that has not yet been shown on the official website.
In addition, a large poster will be displayed at the Kokusai Tenjijo Station on the Rinkai Line from August 7 to August 13, coinciding with Comiket, which will be held this month.
Why not see the vivid world of the forest up close and personal?
Film Information
Hakumei to Mikochi" (Hakumei and Mikochi)
Broadcast start date undecided
Staff Information
Animation Production:Lerche
(C) Yuto Kashiki, KADOKAWA Publishing/Hakumei and Mikochi Production Committee
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