Osomatsu-san" Short Anime to be Distributed Exclusively on dTV! Depicts the daily lives of Totoko, Iyami, and the six children.
The original short anime "dMatsu-san" of "Osomatsu-san" will be distributed exclusively on dTV from January 9, 2018 (Tuesday).
Osomatsu-san" is an original anime created to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the late Fujio Akatsuka's birth. The first series aired from October 2015 to March 2016, and was filled with aggressive gags and parodies, the six children's diverse personalities, the portrayal of the six children, and the use of popular male voice actors. The series became a popular title for its aggressive gags and parodies, the portrayal of the six children's diverse personalities, and the use of popular male voice actors. Even after the broadcast, the popularity of the series continued to grow, with major collaborations with convenience stores and JRA, as well as game applications and stage adaptations, and a second series has been airing since October 2017.
⇒List of Fall 2017 Anime
The newly announced original short anime "dMatsu-san" will be produced in response to the success of "Osomatsu-san" on dTV and will be distributed exclusively on dTV.
It is a conversational drama depicting the daily lives of the six children of the Matsuno family, Totoko and Iyami, and consists of 12 episodes: 6 episodes of "Totoko x 6 children" and 6 episodes of "Iyami x 6 children". In the "Totoko x 6Ts" episode, Totoko, who is a princess of a certain country, talks with the 6Ts, and in the "Iyami x 6Ts" episode, the 6Ts discuss their problems with Iyami. The highlights of the film are Totoko's outburst of violence and how Iyami, who has a surprisingly normal sense of humor, deals with her unprecedented problems.
dMatsu-san" will be available on dTV every Tuesday starting at 12:00 on January 9, 2018 (Tuesday). Why not check it out along with the full-length anime?
Distribution Information
dTV Original Short Anime - dMatsu-san
Distribution start date: Tuesday, January 9, 2018, every Tuesday from 12:00
Number of episodes: 12 total
dTV website URL: (C) Fujio Akatsuka
(C) Fujio Akatsuka / Osomatsu-san Production Committee
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